Street Retreat - Mercy Catholic College Chatswood
News & Events
Street Retreat

On the 29th of July, ten Year 11 girls and two Year 9 girls attended a Street Retreat for homelessness, along with Ms Shaw. The day consisted of walking around George Street in the city, and stopping and talking to the homeless people along the way. The girls brought food, clothes and money, which were given to the various homeless people they met. They were told different stories about how each of these people became homeless, and how homelessness isn’t black and white. They also walked around to different homeless communities in Woolloomooloo, such as Hope Street Cafe, and were shown where homeless shelters are, as well as centres where the homeless can go for a free lunch, a shower, and to socialise.

It was a very eye opening experience to all the girls, as it was something that many of them hadn’t experienced before. They all left with a deeper understanding of what it is to be homeless, especially during the cold nights of Winter, and the different reasons for homelessness, such as family situations and abuse. This Street Retreat has inspired them to continue opening their hearts and minds to people’s situations, and to the growing issue of homelessness in Sydney.

Eadie C and Sienna M
